Wednesday, October 15, 2008

september 28th-29th - "day one"

Estimated time of arrival in Tokyo was 4:20pm local time. Then a bit of a layover, and the completion of my journey with the final 3hr flight from Tokyo to Seoul, it would seem like a bunny-hop after the 13 hour flight I was just on. Mid-flight the pilot updated us that we had 5,0000 more km to go.

Attempting to let my gangly limbs unfold under the empty seat (miracle) next from me , I tried not to think too much about what I was really doing at the moment, you know, leaving my life as I knew it and flying across the world. It made me too nervous. I also tried not to wonder if anyone would really be there to pick me up at the airport. I didn't have a number to call, an address, or any information of use if that were to happen. Yikes... I crossed my fingers and breathed deeply, zoning out to airplane movie number three.

Someone did pick me up at the airport, an older gentleman holding a sign that said my whole name spelled out, (no easy task even for close friends of mine.) I had no idea who this guy was, and he didn't introduce himself as being from anywhere in particular. Typically I guess that would make me a little nervous, but what other option did I have? It turned out that the guy was a cabbie. I hopped in the van and fell asleep, leaving my life and destination up to the cabbie. I tried to ask him several times where we were going, like to my apartment or school or..? But he just said "no English." Should probably get used to hearing that...

An hour or so later we arrived in Bundang where we were met by Mr. Park (There are many mister Parks in my life now, hard to keep them straight.) Mr. Park in this case was a cute young man with expensive glasses, accompanied by buddy in bulky scarf. He said he was from GDA, (my school), thank god. He checked me into the Hotel Regency in Bundang and off-handedly mentioned he would pick me up at 7:30 the next morning as I had an 8:00 meeting... "Welcome to Korea!" they grinned as they left. I sensed a touch of facetiousness. Is this how you welcome people? With early am meetings? This was Monday night in Korea, so about noontime where you all are on the east coast in the U.S. That means at this point I had missed, not one, but two nights of sleep and was expected to go to the school early that next morning.

I could have probably gone to bed at this point but that seemed anti-climatic after such a long journey. I wanted to see something! ANYTHING! I left my hotel room that night and walked around a couple blocks. I was right near Samsung plaza and the night was lit up with Korean characters and brightly colored signs, some saying things in English that I recognized like "Outback steakhouse" and "Live Bar." Live Bar? Hmmm. I found a Mart of sorts and purchased cigarettes and Soju in hopes of calming my jitters before bed. I recognized the artful-looking green bottle as my friend had brought me back one from Korea before. However, I had forgotten that we took shots of this and did not drink it casually like a beer. Back at my hotel room I felt a sense of accomplishment with my first purchases in Korea, then gagged as I sipped on the bottle. It goes down easier after you get past the neck. I requested a wake-up call from the lobby and got some great sleep for the next five or six hours before my "meeting."

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